Expanding My Market |
1. Auto Multi Posing - Post an offer to all the competitive trade boards in the world, simply with one click. Then, the offers are shared and replied by huge groups and organization of global market traders.
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Please read over all these real stories sent by Tpage membership on their successful trades. Want your company to write successful trade story like the below ones??
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This is the way to expand your Market!!!
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No Doubt!
Success Story 1 CAOS Inc., Seoul, Korea
Found buyers in Turkey, U.S.A., China, Russia, Germany, England, Japan, and New
Zealand through Tpage.com! [Read More]
Success Story 2 Zhenjiang Innovation HCE Co., Ltd.,, China
Imported good and competitive products from Korea! So satisfying! [Read More]
More Success Stories
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Got a supplier from Tpage. - Tpage.com ID BTL
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I found an offer from Tpage.com, and sent email to the buyer. After few days, I received his reply from the buyer to have made a deal. It's unbelievably fast. - Tpage.com ID shin
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I am in serious negotiations with few interested parties and expect to sign contracts and open L/C very soon. I have lot of business partners these days than before thanks to Tpage.com- Tpage.com ID gmzbn
I got some good inquires from Tpage.com when I was working with another company found useful so that's why when I open my own company. I plan to use t-page services and waiting for successful closing of the case and money comes. Thanks for the help I get from Tpage staffs and managers. Thanks to all of you. - Tpage.com ID SUNCHINE
We are a new company and we were looking to import. I sent a number of enquiries and I was impressed by the response. The response through Tpage.com was quick and professional and I hope to continue dealing with your members without even entering the country, just purely over the net, which is perfect for us. - Tpage.com ID golf4you
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Thank all Tpage members!